Hello, beauties!
When I was thinking of creating this post, My goal was — to make something really special. Something fresh & unusual. I don't want this article to look like a regular Summer to-do list, that you can find almost everywhere. So I decided to share with you My personal dreams goals for these 3 months, which I hope — will inspire you as well as Me.
I'm not a fan of wasting time on something that's not worth My attention. So My list of Summer to-dos can include some unusual (yet really interesting) things! Intrigued? So continue reading. Take a cup of tea or a glass of juice, and enjoy ♡
1. Go to a spontaneous trip
I put it in the very beginning, cause this is a really important point personally for Me. And not only for Summertime. You're wondering why?
I can tell you nothing besides: 'Just pack your things and go'. Seriously, do it now! Don't put this point into your schedule, don't plan it at all. For the first time in your life, do something unplanned, do it personally for yourself! Where to go? The answer will surprise you, but — a n y w h e r e! You can go any place on the Earth you want. There're so many beautiful, novel places to discover. There're so many people to meet & marvelous photos to take. This World belongs to you.
I can tell you nothing besides: 'Just pack your things and go'. Seriously, do it now! Don't put this point into your schedule, don't plan it at all. For the first time in your life, do something unplanned, do it personally for yourself! Where to go? The answer will surprise you, but — a n y w h e r e! You can go any place on the Earth you want. There're so many beautiful, novel places to discover. There're so many people to meet & marvelous photos to take. This World belongs to you.
But I beg you, don't plan. And you'll get why I'm crazy in love with spontaneous travels. I truly believe that even the smallest journey, the shortest trip can absolutely transform you beyond recognition. Travels have a magic power — to reveal 'real You' and to teach you to be yourself, with no masks. And what about spontaneous journeys — they do it 10 times faster. Cause the moment you decide to leave everything & go — you're already on your way to a New Life!
2. Discover a hidden talent
If you're not a fan of discovering places — you can always discover yourself!
Maybe you're the next Celine Dion or Jim Carry? Maybe you're great at painting or write crazy interesting texts? Or what about handmade? Can you sew or make incredible jewelry?
Maybe you're the next Celine Dion or Jim Carry? Maybe you're great at painting or write crazy interesting texts? Or what about handmade? Can you sew or make incredible jewelry?
There're so many ways to prove yourself that you're talented! There're so many talents to discover as well. And the key to success is so freakin' simple — start doing something now! Stop complaining and don't waste your time on laments about 'hard life'. Your life — in your hands. And only you're able to change it. Find the best hobby that will make you to jump out of the bed every morning, and just enjoy doing it. Who knows, maybe today's your hobby will become your 'lucky star' the next year.
And if you have a lack of inspiration, don't be shy, and take it from this My post, where I'm sharing My 5 favorite motivating quotes!
3. Have a breakfast on a coast
... and you'll never forget this morning, I promise.
I'm actually in love. In love with early mornings. Sunrise, empty streets, sleepy city — My key to happiness. And early mornings on the Sea make Me the happiest person in the World. It's such an incredible feeling — to have a breakfast while looking at playful ocean or a soft sea waves. To smell its salt scent, and to realize, that such moments is something you need to live for ♡
I don't want to write a lot about it. I think that the good picture always worth a thousand words:)
4. Work. Hard
Ha-ha, yes! This point does not sound as as exalted and romantic as previous 3 does. But seriously, Summer is not only for rest.
For instance, I, as a blogger, am working all year round (Dah, let's imagine that I'm a perfect blogger). I should always update My blog with fresh content, and no matter what time of the year or what day is now. And talking about My work, I mean not only writing. I take photos for blog or Instagram, I look for new ideas online or search for inspiration in a real world. Sometimes it seems, that My brain doesn't stop producing ideas. But you know what? I like it! My life rule is 'Do what you love. Love what you do', so I probably enjoy doing all this stuff.
Sure, I can't say that My work is easy and I'm always in a good mood for it. Not at all. As any work, blogging is hard in many aspects. E.g., I have no laptop already for a year, so it's really hard for Me to find a way to publish a new post for You. But I love what I do. My blog is My inspiration. It keeps Me organized & motivated. And it also makes Me smile, when you tell Me that I do inspire you as well!
5. Spend the day without gadgets
Though it may sounds obvious (and even a bit like a cliché), only a few people really do it.
I've learned it from Myself — when I take a day off from all the social networks, My nerves are recovering. I become less stressed, cause I don't need to update My Instagram or Facebook feed every ten minutes. So when I'm travelling, when I'm at the Sea, or just go to another city for a day — I always log out from VK, turn off an Instagram, Twitter & Facebook notifications, and just enjoy My real, present life.
Sure, it's the 21th century, and we all are 'social people', so it's impossible to just delete all our accounts. And frankly speaking, it's not necessary, cause we need to be in touch with really important world News or with our favorite bloggers. But you can create a schedule of using social networks — for example, check them out only a 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening. That doesn't mean, that you will lose all the important information, not at all! It will stay here, and you'll read it in the evening. But you already won't look like a 'social-networking-obsessed zombie'.
I've learned it from Myself — when I take a day off from all the social networks, My nerves are recovering. I become less stressed, cause I don't need to update My Instagram or Facebook feed every ten minutes. So when I'm travelling, when I'm at the Sea, or just go to another city for a day — I always log out from VK, turn off an Instagram, Twitter & Facebook notifications, and just enjoy My real, present life.
Sure, it's the 21th century, and we all are 'social people', so it's impossible to just delete all our accounts. And frankly speaking, it's not necessary, cause we need to be in touch with really important world News or with our favorite bloggers. But you can create a schedule of using social networks — for example, check them out only a 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening. That doesn't mean, that you will lose all the important information, not at all! It will stay here, and you'll read it in the evening. But you already won't look like a 'social-networking-obsessed zombie'.
6. Do something that scares you
Cause if not you — who? If not now — when?
Look just at the eyes of your fear and you'll fell that you're already overcoming it. Feel yourself finally relieved from it. Take a deep breath and just feel this inner freedom that overwhelms you... This is the main key to the life of your Dreams.
Life is too short to spend it on fears. To spend it on something that is not worth any second of our time. Take a flight on a plane if you're scared of heights. Dive with aqualung to the Seabed, if you're afraid of depth. Talk all day to the strangers, if you're afraid of people. As Nike says: 'Just Do It'! And do it now. No procrastinations. This Summer is for decisive actions!
Look just at the eyes of your fear and you'll fell that you're already overcoming it. Feel yourself finally relieved from it. Take a deep breath and just feel this inner freedom that overwhelms you... This is the main key to the life of your Dreams.
Life is too short to spend it on fears. To spend it on something that is not worth any second of our time. Take a flight on a plane if you're scared of heights. Dive with aqualung to the Seabed, if you're afraid of depth. Talk all day to the strangers, if you're afraid of people. As Nike says: 'Just Do It'! And do it now. No procrastinations. This Summer is for decisive actions!
7. Fall in love
They say — Spring is the most romantic time of the year. But umm... not exactly.
Sure, Spring is the time of full blooms, heady flower scent and the first warm evenings. But that doesn't mean that it's the only time of the year when you can find your soulmate. And personally for Me — a Summer sea coast, mild waves and soft sand create the most romantic atmosphere ever!
Summer is the time to leave your city and to go meet new people. It's the time to make new friends, new impressions and sure, well-known summer flings. The time to relieve yourself from all hard limits, and just feel. Feel whatever you want to. And I wish you to have only mutual feelings ♡
Sure, Spring is the time of full blooms, heady flower scent and the first warm evenings. But that doesn't mean that it's the only time of the year when you can find your soulmate. And personally for Me — a Summer sea coast, mild waves and soft sand create the most romantic atmosphere ever!
Summer is the time to leave your city and to go meet new people. It's the time to make new friends, new impressions and sure, well-known summer flings. The time to relieve yourself from all hard limits, and just feel. Feel whatever you want to. And I wish you to have only mutual feelings ♡
8. Dance till the morning
With friends or alone. At home or in club. The way you want to. To any music. And don't be shy!
Dancing always allows us to liberate ourselves and to stop control everything. It's a great way to take a rest, to communicate, to feel yourself free and... many-many other features, really. I don't even know what can I tell in this point, cause I think it doesn't need an explanation. Just go and become a dancing queen or king of this Summer!
Dancing always allows us to liberate ourselves and to stop control everything. It's a great way to take a rest, to communicate, to feel yourself free and... many-many other features, really. I don't even know what can I tell in this point, cause I think it doesn't need an explanation. Just go and become a dancing queen or king of this Summer!
9. Follow your heart & dreams
To sum up everything I wrote above, I want to say — follow your heart & dreams.
And not only this Summer. Always listen to your heart, it won't lie. And always follow your dreams, cause your life is for it. Your life is only y o u r s, remember. And don't be afraind — living your dream life won't make you a heartless egoist, if you'll help those who need your helping hand. Just always keep everything balanced, that's all.
Hope, I inspired you with these My Summer goals ♥
And now I really want to hear about yours! Tell Me about Your Summer plans down below.
Thanks for reading,
Olya, x
And not only this Summer. Always listen to your heart, it won't lie. And always follow your dreams, cause your life is for it. Your life is only y o u r s, remember. And don't be afraind — living your dream life won't make you a heartless egoist, if you'll help those who need your helping hand. Just always keep everything balanced, that's all.
Hope, I inspired you with these My Summer goals ♥
And now I really want to hear about yours! Tell Me about Your Summer plans down below.
Thanks for reading,
Olya, x
Wow so many great tips! I have applied most of time already on my life!
ReplyDeletex Karen
Thank you!
DeleteI hoped, they really helped you:)
Olya, x
Definitely will try some of these. 3 and 8 are top ones to do and 4 is something I'm trying now. Thanks for the tips.
Wish you luck in this, Tui!
DeleteOlya, x
very very great tips!
ReplyDeleteEspecially n. 7! ;)
This is one of My favorite too;)
DeleteThank you♥
Olya, x
Прекрасный пост:)
ReplyDeleteНашла тебя на просторах контакта в Fashion bloggers.
Буду рада видеть тебя в ПЧ своего блога: http;//rebeldescent.blogspot.ru
Спасибо за комплимент статье:)
DeleteI liked the first and the last tip the most. I always plan my trips in advance, so it would be an interesting adventure to go on a spontaneous one instead. As for following my heart, I started doing this lately and it is great :)
Georgiana, I really want to congratulate you with coming to these decisions:)
DeleteDream, be inspired and be free in achieving your goals♡
Good luck!
Olya, x
Thanks, Rakel:)