Good morning, beauties!
This photoshoot we created in the very beginning of this Summer, and I really wanted to make it look like a Summer 2015 LookBook. But, you know, I'm one of those people, who deal with procrastination from time to time, so these photos I'm publishing only in the end of August. I'm really sorry for that and telling you that now I try to eradicate this habit of postponing things 'for later':)
But getting back to the photos, I want to say how eternaly grateful I am to my beautiful co-model & great friend Olya. It was an amazing collaboration, thanks, honey! ♥ And sure, lots of love & compliments to our incredible photographer Sveta. It's already the third photoshoot that we create together for my Blog, and I should say — it's always a great experience & I really want to keep it up:)
So, here it is — the result of our common efforts. Hope, you'll like it as well as we do:) All the links to the clothes we wear are down below ↓

• Triple strap top {sold out, I really like this one};
• Blue fabric belt;
• Converse black canvas sneakers;

Have a great week, &
Come back for a new dose of inspiration!
Olya, x