Hello, beautiful people!
Just want to say a quick hello to you from Mercedes-Benz Odessa Fashion Days — one of the hottest & greatest Ukrainian Summer fashion events:) It was the first time for me attending MBOFD, and as kinda 'freshman' I saw as pros, so cons of this 3-days event.
As for cons — there were a few problems with organization such as delaying the start of the runways or lack of information (e.g., I wasn't even informed that the beginning of Day 2 was delayed for two hours). Also, such fact as a time period between runways wasn't really pleased (for those who don't know — the runway show is about 3-5 mins, and the beginning of the next runway is on 50 mins). Luckily, it is Summer, Odessa, sea coast — so you can spend your spare time either inside Otrada Beach Club, either sitting, as I did, on a pier 'bathing' your feet in the Sea:)
This may be all the unpleasant moments that I found — all the rest was just incredible! Perfect locations, talented & creative Ukrainian designers (as rising stars, so well-known in a World Fashion community creators), beautiful clothes & shoes, incredible Fashion Market & hardworking organizers and volunteers, whom I want to say a big 'thanks' for making this event real. I liked it, I definitely want more, and I'll definitely save the date for the event next year!


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