I never thought that I would create such post, based on my own experience. This article was hard for me to create, cause it's really personal. But I feel that now I can finally share my story with you.
I always positioned myself as a positive and optimistic person, who has nothing to do with anxiety and depressions. Never, since my early childhood I have dealt with negative thoughts, that are literally overwhelming my brain and chocking me at night. I've never lost my weight so fast because of nervous breakdown. I've never felt so down & thought about dark things so much. But, you know, life is life — and anything can happen to us. And, perhaps, I was supposed to go through it...
So, for those of you who are having not the best times now, who are confused and scared, who don't know how to live on and are constantly worrying about Future, for those who are ashamed of your Past, and for everyone who just don't have this magic balance inside, for all of you, People, I want to say — I used to have the same state of mind. And I almost overcame it now. And so you will.
So, now I just want to share with you a few of things that helped me to overcome this negative stage of mind, deep depression & anxiety.
1. Discover yourself
It's the very first thing that you need to do if negative thoughts began to attack you. Don't try to ignore them, better let them go. Cause, as they said — there're no smoke without fire. So, maybe, your inner state is trying to warn you about something, and you need to keep yours ears open.
But here's one really important thing to remember — feelings are not thoughts. Try to listen your heart and intuition. And don't let your thoughts to mislead you, and to bring new fears which can constrain your mind and body. Don't think, just feel.
2. Start over!
Haven't you ever thought, that you're feeling down, cause you're not comfortable with 'such you' anymore? That people who surround you are not already those who can inspire & give a push to work for your dreams? Maybe you've already grown out from current life situation & just haven't noticed it?
What if this depression state is just a chance to cardinally change your life! Thoroughly reconsider everything & everybody who surround you and take the plunge — leave past in the past. Stop assessing yourself by your past mistakes, stop 'pulling' your 'bff's' which are not your best friends already, leave your attempts to revive your old relations, and just start living.
Do whatever you want, meet new people, travel, fall in love, make new mistakes, date someone who makes your heart beat faster, try new things, read, cry or laugh if you want to, and don't let anyone else to judge you! Start over — really it helps:)
3. Travel more. And much more
They say — you can't run from yourself. I'm agree &... totally disagree with this statment.
In the one hand, you're really not able to run from everything that's happening in your head. Cause, you know, it's your head, and only you are responsible for all thoughts that are born there. But in the other hand — changing background can cardinally change your way of thinking.
When you travel — you discover new places, people & traditions. And sometimes it will make you even look at your problem from a different angle. Travelscan will certanly bring you new friends & new love. Travels always freshen up your mind. To sum up — it's the very powerful tool to feel yourself alive, to find a passion to live & to open a new page in a life story.
4. Meditate & do Yoga
When your mind is a huge mess of fears, negative, regrets & other junk, it's pretty hard to concentrate on positive, right? That's why I highly recommend meditations.
But I have one more personal cause, that made me start meditating — during these hard two month I have literally forgotten how to feel. After the nervous breakdown my body put 'protection' for my nervous system & kinda 'turned off' my feelings. I wasn't able to feel joy, love, hate, happiness & other. I was just like a robot who made mechanical movement every single day. So I started meditating & that gave my mind an ability to rest. Meditations now are helping me to carefully, step by step waking up my feelings & relieve my brain from all 'hard' thought that was overwhelming me.
The same thing yoga does. Need I actually tell that yoga — is also a great way to prolong life, improve health & just make an atmoshpere around us more positive and brighter. Isn't it a strong reason to start doing it now?
5. Find people who inspire
For me such 'inspirer' became Jinna Yang — a creator & owner of www.greaseandglamour.com. Her father passed away two years ago, and since that dark period she decided to change her life & start living. She left her job in NYC to live the life of her dreams, to travel.
I can't but say, that this girl is incredibly inspiring. My dad passed away a year and half ago, my family's now not in the best financial stage, I lost almost all of my old 'friends', my heart was broken — these are all those things that made an 18-year-old-me to feel like a really old and unhappy person. It caused anxiety, depression, negative thoughts about deseases & death. I didn't know why am I living and will I actually achieve anything in my life. I was empty inside.
I found Jinna's blog in the hardest moment of these my two month, when nothing & nobody else helped. I was browsing Grease And Glamour almost every day & read her articles a million times. I read & cried, cause she wrote about my feelings. And know what, it helped. I was inspired by Jinna's articles and strickly decided not to give up. I gathered all the remaining forces & made a very important decision to l i v e. To survive. To 'sink my teeth' into this life. To strugle.
I only started my way to my Dream life, but I can already see the results. I'm continue to cardinally changing my Life now — from my hairstyle, to people who surround me & my perspective on life. And I can tell you, guys, that it's hard. It's really hard. But you know, it's worth it. It makes you feel free inside. It brings you more self-confidence. It pushes you to meet new people. To work hard. And it's definitelly the only way to start realising your Dreams.
So, this is my little story that's only in the very beginning. This article is very personal, cause all the ponts that I wrote above are based on my own experience. Writing it was hard for me, but I'm proud that I did. So, I will be more than happy to know, that this article will help some of you to take a new look at your Life & to become inspired. Don't afraid to change, don't afraid to live. Do what you Love, Love what you Do.
Follow me in Instagram: @olyagarkusha to stay inspired:)
I always positioned myself as a positive and optimistic person, who has nothing to do with anxiety and depressions. Never, since my early childhood I have dealt with negative thoughts, that are literally overwhelming my brain and chocking me at night. I've never lost my weight so fast because of nervous breakdown. I've never felt so down & thought about dark things so much. But, you know, life is life — and anything can happen to us. And, perhaps, I was supposed to go through it...
So, for those of you who are having not the best times now, who are confused and scared, who don't know how to live on and are constantly worrying about Future, for those who are ashamed of your Past, and for everyone who just don't have this magic balance inside, for all of you, People, I want to say — I used to have the same state of mind. And I almost overcame it now. And so you will.
So, now I just want to share with you a few of things that helped me to overcome this negative stage of mind, deep depression & anxiety.
1. Discover yourself
It's the very first thing that you need to do if negative thoughts began to attack you. Don't try to ignore them, better let them go. Cause, as they said — there're no smoke without fire. So, maybe, your inner state is trying to warn you about something, and you need to keep yours ears open.
But here's one really important thing to remember — feelings are not thoughts. Try to listen your heart and intuition. And don't let your thoughts to mislead you, and to bring new fears which can constrain your mind and body. Don't think, just feel.
2. Start over!
Haven't you ever thought, that you're feeling down, cause you're not comfortable with 'such you' anymore? That people who surround you are not already those who can inspire & give a push to work for your dreams? Maybe you've already grown out from current life situation & just haven't noticed it?
What if this depression state is just a chance to cardinally change your life! Thoroughly reconsider everything & everybody who surround you and take the plunge — leave past in the past. Stop assessing yourself by your past mistakes, stop 'pulling' your 'bff's' which are not your best friends already, leave your attempts to revive your old relations, and just start living.
Do whatever you want, meet new people, travel, fall in love, make new mistakes, date someone who makes your heart beat faster, try new things, read, cry or laugh if you want to, and don't let anyone else to judge you! Start over — really it helps:)
3. Travel more. And much more
They say — you can't run from yourself. I'm agree &... totally disagree with this statment.
In the one hand, you're really not able to run from everything that's happening in your head. Cause, you know, it's your head, and only you are responsible for all thoughts that are born there. But in the other hand — changing background can cardinally change your way of thinking.
When you travel — you discover new places, people & traditions. And sometimes it will make you even look at your problem from a different angle. Travels
4. Meditate & do Yoga
When your mind is a huge mess of fears, negative, regrets & other junk, it's pretty hard to concentrate on positive, right? That's why I highly recommend meditations.
But I have one more personal cause, that made me start meditating — during these hard two month I have literally forgotten how to feel. After the nervous breakdown my body put 'protection' for my nervous system & kinda 'turned off' my feelings. I wasn't able to feel joy, love, hate, happiness & other. I was just like a robot who made mechanical movement every single day. So I started meditating & that gave my mind an ability to rest. Meditations now are helping me to carefully, step by step waking up my feelings & relieve my brain from all 'hard' thought that was overwhelming me.
The same thing yoga does. Need I actually tell that yoga — is also a great way to prolong life, improve health & just make an atmoshpere around us more positive and brighter. Isn't it a strong reason to start doing it now?
5. Find people who inspire
For me such 'inspirer' became Jinna Yang — a creator & owner of www.greaseandglamour.com. Her father passed away two years ago, and since that dark period she decided to change her life & start living. She left her job in NYC to live the life of her dreams, to travel.
I can't but say, that this girl is incredibly inspiring. My dad passed away a year and half ago, my family's now not in the best financial stage, I lost almost all of my old 'friends', my heart was broken — these are all those things that made an 18-year-old-me to feel like a really old and unhappy person. It caused anxiety, depression, negative thoughts about deseases & death. I didn't know why am I living and will I actually achieve anything in my life. I was empty inside.
I found Jinna's blog in the hardest moment of these my two month, when nothing & nobody else helped. I was browsing Grease And Glamour almost every day & read her articles a million times. I read & cried, cause she wrote about my feelings. And know what, it helped. I was inspired by Jinna's articles and strickly decided not to give up. I gathered all the remaining forces & made a very important decision to l i v e. To survive. To 'sink my teeth' into this life. To strugle.
I only started my way to my Dream life, but I can already see the results. I'm continue to cardinally changing my Life now — from my hairstyle, to people who surround me & my perspective on life. And I can tell you, guys, that it's hard. It's really hard. But you know, it's worth it. It makes you feel free inside. It brings you more self-confidence. It pushes you to meet new people. To work hard. And it's definitelly the only way to start realising your Dreams.
So, this is my little story that's only in the very beginning. This article is very personal, cause all the ponts that I wrote above are based on my own experience. Writing it was hard for me, but I'm proud that I did. So, I will be more than happy to know, that this article will help some of you to take a new look at your Life & to become inspired. Don't afraid to change, don't afraid to live. Do what you Love, Love what you Do.
Follow me in Instagram: @olyagarkusha to stay inspired:)
I love you, guys & thank you for reading ♥
Come back for a new dose of inspiration!
Olya, x
1 comment
Очень воодушевляющий и бодрящий пост! Надо уметь и самому взять себя в руки, ведь иногда не знаешь у кого просить помощи в такой ситуации 😔