Hi guys,
I think from time to time every one of us needs a little bit of inspiration. And I'm no exception:) So today I decided to open this new section in blog, called 'Weekly Inspiration'. Every week I'll do my best to post an inspiring quote or phrase, designed by me on a beautiful picture. And also I'm going to share my thoughts or life stories, connected with this phrase, to inspire or motivate you, guys. So, let's start!
For this week's inspiration I chose a phrase — 'Every journey begins with a single step'. And for me it's more than just a quote now. When starting something new, something unusual, almost from the zero point, with no thoughts where this road can lead & will you ever success in what we're doing — these words are the best way to feel confidence. You just need to refresh in memory, that really a huge amount of successful people in our World started from nothing. They (as we are now), have had tons of ideas, and a narrow range of possibilities to bring them to life. But these people were strictly confidenced in what they want, and had a this fire inside that can burn any barriers. And so they succeed. But anyway, every one of these billionaires, presidents or influential bloggers in our world have ever had their very first step. Cause, guys, it's absolutely okay to begin a big journey to your Dream with just a little step ahead:)
Make your very first step and never look back ♥
Thanks for reading, &
Thanks for reading, &
Come back for a new dose of inspiration!
Olya, x
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